Forbes 2010, Day 8

Seems like everyone else had a good and easy run to the TP, while I was struggling in shitty air. I teamed up with Jeff Shapiro and Zac at the start gate, and we waited until the third start time before we were in a good position. The first few thermals were extremely broken and crappy, felt like a day to tumble.

Jeff and I were a little low about halfway to the TP, where I was attacked by an eagle, it hit my right wing without warning scaring the shit out of me as I though I had hit Jeff. Mean bastards those wedge-tailed eagles, fearless too, attacking somehting 10 times their size.

From the TP and back it was much better lift, but a 20 km/h headwind slowed us down, we caught up with a few gaggles of pilots and had an OK run. Jeff and Zac got above me in the second to last thermal and were ahead for the 28 km final glide. The numbers for the glide was changing a lot, but I made it in with 150 meters to spare, to 9. place.

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