Afternoon soaring at Brandbukampen

I met up with Bjørn, Alf, Johnny, Petter and Lene at Brandbukampen yesterday afternoon. Alf was there to test his new WillsWing Sport 2. It looked like a nice glider, with slipstream uprights and a profiled speedbar. One sprog on each wing to compensate for fewer lufflines and makes the profile much better performing. Alf promised me a test flight on it, maybe I’ll tow it up.

It was nice conditions, but a little too south to use the (nicer) west launch. The others got off the south launch, and got up. I was last in line, and it died out completely. The south launch is not very tempting in nil-wind. The wind then established itsef with cross on both launches, but I finally got out on the west when the sun came around and generated some thermals. By then the others had landed, I flew around the area enjoying the nice big thermals and just boated around for one hour.