Worlds 2011, day 3 and 4

We went up on the hill two days ago, it was OK conditions in the morning, but the winds got too strong for task flying so the day was cancelled. Some pilots flew and reported OK conditions, but conditions on launch were too difficult to get 150 pilots safe off and on time. We needed 3 wiremen each to turn the gliders round.

Yesterday we drove to Subasio and got a 122 km task. I had been feeling sick the evening and night before, and was not getting any better driving to launch. I set up and took off as one of the last pilots from the hill, into windy conditions but some areas of good lift. I got up and took the first startgate after getting sick and throwing up while flying inside the startcircle. I felt a little better after throwing up once, but soon got sick again and decided to glide out and land, I was too weak and dizzy to safely keep flying so I picked a huge field and just glided straight there.

My day did not get any better after hearing about the terrorist attacks in Oslo, but at least it put things in perspective.

The rest of our team spread out, with Vegar getting low and landing early, Johnny landed near the first TP with a big gaggle and many top pilots who hand to land, Nils Åge landed near the 3 TP at around 83km with around 30 other pilots. Looks like only 20 made goal, and Primoz is in the lead.

Today (Day 5) looks very gray from the morning, it’s been raining during the night, and the weatherman was not optimistic about flying today.

Results can be found at: