Bassano 2007, task 3

Short update as we had a busy night packing up; We got a 90 km task, very similar to yesterday. Blue skies with some clouds forming today, and a weak NW wind. Quite low cloudbase at 1500 meters. The whole gaggle joined up on the ridge just at the start circle, and it became “interesting” again when the freeflying inexpirienced paraglider pilots joined us again. Even one tandem paraglider came into the gaggle, that’s quite risky, but I bet the passenger got an exiting ride.

We hung around in cloudbase for 20 minutes, and 2 minutes before the start I took a sweep out to avoid going into the cloud, and lost the lift coming back. I got a very bad start coming way to low back into the ridge. When I finally got up again after racing the ridge back to takeoff I stayed high until getting stuck 10 km from the second TP over some areas with no landings. When I finally got up again I took the second TP and headed for the third out on the flats joining up with Corinna and a few other gliders. I was the first at the TP and decided to go back towards the last TP and goal over the flatlands, as there were some good clouds. It turned out quite slow so it was probably a better choice to get back on the ridge. We made it in as some of the last in goal.

From our team Olav was first, then Nils, Dag, me. Ove and Stefan landed in goal but did not complete the course, Speidern landed at the second TP.

Robert Reisinger was the winner, Italian on second, Gerolf third. Olav did well with 6. place. Nils was around 13, me around 30.  No results available on the net so far.

We have to get up at 04:30 tomorrow, to make it back to Milano and the plane back home.