We woke up to clear blue skies, and what seemed to be a beautiful day for flying. After breakfast at 9 it started developing clouds, even if the inversion in the valley was strong and reducing the thermal activity in the early hours.
This mushroom grew behind takeoff early in the morning, a clear sign of a unstable day.
We had a briefing after setting up under building clouds, the meteo guy used the phraze “extremely dangerous conditions”, and the day was quickly cancelled for safety reasons. There was a sigh of relief in the pilot crowd when it was clear we would not have to fly a task, it was not a good comp day.
We had time to fly down before the storms hit, and it was a nice flight in super smooth air over the valley. I filmed and took some pictures before landing and packing up just in time to escape the rain.
Quite a few interesting landings, It seemed like half the pilots got tailwind gliding over the landing field at the camping site. Mo major breakage, but quite a few green nosecones.
View to the west of the valley, the Cu-Nimbus is growing.