When we first came to Forbes and looked at the forecast, it did not look very promising at all, so I’m happy we got 4 out of 8 competition days. The training day was good, and the weather was ofcourse perfect for a comp day the day after the comp ended, with almost no winds and high cloudbase.
Totalt results are at the Forbes Flatlands website
My flights are on flightlog.org and XContest, I got around 13 hours and nearly 500km open distance from the competiton, making the top 7 in the world XContest for HG at the time of writing :-)

Now I am in Sydney after delivering Olav and Crystal at the airport for their flights home, while I will stay a bit longer in Australia. The plan is to go to Rainbow beach to fly the dunes, then I will head back down to Lake Keepit and fly Sailplanes for the last week.