Olav Opsanger and Olav Lien Olsen have been flying the Florida Ridge and Flytec championships in Florida this easter. Olav Opsanger did well at Quest with 13. place, up from 18. place last year. It was a total of 70 flex wings in the comp. Oleg won, Brett second and Jon Jr. third.
Olav Lien Olsen came 45, improving from 59. place last year. The weather did not seem to cooperate in Florida this year, ref. the Oz Report, with high winds and overdevelopment cancelling many days.
In Bassano they had 2 days flying, Nils Åge was the only Norwegian and came in 10. place of total 40 pilots. Robert Reisinger won in front of Frisi and Hans Kiefinger.
Frya Cup is the first competition in Norway, and it starts this weekend. Hope we get a good start of the season with perfect weather.
And a little off topic news – I got married to Georgia 16/4. I traveled with family and friends to Brasilia this easter, thus no flying news. It was a fantastic event with around 150 guests from Brasil and Norway.
Civilized pics, sure!! But was is a civilized party?? :)
Gratulations to both of you. Here are some pics. from Øvinds bachelor party. Don’t worry Georgia, civilised pictures, fun party (and I had bumps and spots all over my body for a week after the paint ball war). http://foto.vg.no/show_album.php?aid=1052588&palbum=1
Congratulations for US!!!! :) Love you!