I landed in Sydney at around 07:10 yesterday, met with Thomas who had some problems getting his glider through customs, and helped him to get all that sorted and loaded so we could drive to Forbes.
We met the rest of the team there, Olav Opsanger, Olav Lien Olsen, and Kurt Opseth, who had arrived the day before and had a nice day of flying while we were driving.
It’s around 28 degrees here, which is nice and cool for mid-summer Forbes, with blue skies and almost no wind today. I got my new glider set up and had the first flight today. Glider goes great, handles like a dream, it’s by far the best hangglider I’ve ever flown! I also had new harness from Skyline, which was perfect as always. Only problem today was a leaky camelback, so it was a bit cold with 2 liters of water running down my back at 2000 meters.
Today was official practice day, with a 100km triangle, but since this was my first flight with new gear I stayed locally and just enjoyed the air. Only Olav Lien flew the full practice task from our team, and he came back quite late so it may have been difficult and slow at times.