Task 5 ;

The forecast for task 5 was uncertain, but we got lots more wind than forecasted, and the gusts were close to the limit for towing. Everyone seem to get away safely as pilot’s towing skills have gotten better every day. I got my first weaklink break at around 300 meters above gorund (We normally tow to around 600m), I found a weak thermal to drift with in the strong winds, and drifted out of the start circle with a few other gliders at 1000m.
The thermal took off, and we got up to 2300m and could start flying the course for real. Just before the first TP I got a nice thermal that took us up to 3000m, it started to get weak so I went on glide, but I heard Olav Opsanger report 3900m in that same area behind me after I had started towards the next TP. We got some good air and stayed high in strong headwinds over the second TP, but a long glide into the wind saw me, Nils Aage and Johnny searching for lift over some low hills in 40 km winds, and lots of gliders on the ground below us. We had to get up to cross over a range of forested hills, so we tried hard to get up and just then the task was stopped because of the strong winds.
Results are at http://www.forbesflatlands.com/results.html