Yesterday we had another warm day, and after taking the glider out for a short test-flight after some sprog adjustments we went to the opening ceremony with parades and speeches, and a nice BBQ at the Forbes Rugby club. It was over 40 degreees even after the sun went down.
Our team from back left, Tormod Helgesen, Johnny Nilssen, Olav Lien Olsen, Nils Aage Henden, Lars Olav Lund (Driver)
Front, Øyvind Ellefsen, and Olav Opsanger
Today was the offical practice day, with full task setting and scoring. We got a short task of around 140km, with first start gate at 14:00. We towed up into very good conditions, and after a few weak thermals in the start gate I found a boomer that took me to 2900 meters just in time for the second start time. From there it was a few long glides with good thermals inbetween, but the stong conditions also meant rough air, and it was physically hard flying today. I wanted to save some strength for tomorrow, so I cut the task around 30 km short, and made a final glide to goal in headwind and strong sink. It was nice and cool up high, getting low again was like opening the door to an oven, the towpaddoc saw 47 degrees today, it’s been a long time since I drank so much water in a day.
Tomorrow it’s for real, the first task in the Worlds 2013.