It turned out to very windy again in Forbes, so I packed up and drove the 5 hour trip up to Lake Keepit, where I had booked a sailplane for the rest of the week.
Christmas day at Lake Keepit was stormy, so we had a very nice Christmas lunch at the clubhouse, with turkey, ham, and seafood for 12 people. Very nice food and a relaxing day. The storms were quite spectacular at night, and we lost power for a few hours.

After lunch I noticed this fella skulking around outside, probably looking for a lunch for himself;

The day after was forcasted quite slow and gray, with some storms in the afternoon, so we took the day off flying. Yesterday we got some OK conditions, with cu’s forming from around 11:30 and light winds. I did my checkflights in the Grob in the morning, and took the LS7 out for a flight after lunch.
Conditions improved during the day, with cloudbase increasing from 6′ to 8′ feet and thermals getting better, but it seemed like the day shut down early. I did around 300 km triangle’ish task, but could probably have stretched it a bit more.
Today is forecasted bleak, and looking outside it does not look too promising, we sit just under a through line, and between shading and predicted storms it looks like a day for going to town for coffee and some shopping. Forecast for tomorrow looks better, maybe a 500km day.