Windy, cancelled. We flew the last day though.
I had a very good run in the beginning, we had to cross the Kiewa valley and fly over to behind Bright, then back to Kiewa and to Mt. Beauty goal. I got to 2800 meters before crossing the valley, way above the rest of the pack, and could glide further into the hills on the other side, while the gaggle got flushed down on the leeside. I knew I had a good chance of winning the day if I got high again at the TP in Bright. It was blue, but some clouds far in over the hills that I could not reach.
I expected to get a thermal at the highest peak before crossing over to Bright, but it was just zeros there. I considered waiting for the guys behind to catch up so we had a better chance of finding lift after the crossing in the blue, but I thought no guts no glory, and went alone. I knew it was risky, it would have been much safer if I could get a few hundred more meters before crossing.
No glory awaited on he other side behind Bright, I could not get up on any of the ridges and slowly fell through. I landed at the Porrepunkah airport, and I could see the main gaggle stopping and tanking height before crossing 15 minutes later. Landing out did not bother me much, it was a good flight.
So all in all a blown out comp, there was some discussion about moving it later in the year when the conditions are better, I hope they do that.
Next up now it the comp in Manilla in February. We are leaving Mt. Beauty and heading for the coast in the meantime.