1. of May is the date for the first competition in Norway each season – Frya Cup. The forecast was fairly good, and the conditions turned out to be quite nice. I got up early and drove to Frya on Friday morning, it was sunny and nice. At takeoff we quickly set up the Falcon for Benedictes first flight from this site, she had a good takeoff and nice flight flying through some weak thermals.
I have sold my RS4 to Jan Erik Gjerland, since I want a smaller glider. The RS4 was just too big for me, and I spent too much energy to steer it in thermals and traffic. I would have to add too much ballast to make it handle well, so Ive ordered a RS3.5
Arnt is not here, so he borrowed me his RS4, but Olav took the speedbar off it to replace the one he broke in Bassano, and I had to borrow a round speedbar from Nils Fauske. I did not have a vario mount that would fit this, and no one had one to lend me.
The solution was duct tape, and the result was not good :-) When I took off I could not see or hear the instrument, and the instrument did not receive the GPS satelites.I thermalled up with the rest of the crew and took the start by following Nils Aage closely, but when I discovered the GPS did not work I turned around and flew back home halfway to the first TP.
Nobody made goal, it got shaded at the last TP in the end.

BBQ at night, still early spring and cold at night.

Olav brought a carbon speedbar today, but the weather is a bit windy, we had some huge lenticularis clouds over takeoff this morning. Looks like a canned day.
RS 3.5, are you that light? I`m soon done with my masters degree and will be joining the HG-scene again :)
Yeah, I’m 76 Kg, which is within the weight range for the RS4, but I feel I would need to add a lot of ballast to get the handling I want.
Robert Reisinger had the same experience when he got his RS4 in Australia this year, and changed to a 3.5 for Bassano, he was very happy with the change.