First day was cancelled around noon due to rain and low cloudbase. We had ofcourse set up and had the first showers soak us and our gliders. Most pilots tried to glide down between the showers, I packed up and went to the hotel to work and do some emails. Long term forecast look bleak to say the least…
I really hope the forecast gets this wrong.
The most annoying thing about days like this is to have to go through all the motions, briefing, driving up, setting up, and waiting half the day in rain before we finally can give up. Feels like wasting away days for nothing.
Most pilots are here, Seppi is missing from the Austrian team, and Olli pulled out from the German team. Oleg still hangs in there, and showed up there to fly the comp. Scott from Australia is here, but was not allowed into the competition because it was full and we have very limited space on takeoff.
The organization seems OK so far, with a chaotic but nice opening seremony last night. No parade in the streets due to the rain, everything was indoors, with a local drum band and kids from the local primary school entertaining us.
There will be a sprog-measurements talk this afternoon by Dennis Pagen and Gerolf will probably have a few words to say too :-)