
You do need the latest Flash plugin to view this video, get it here. This is encoded with x264, mp3, from my Canon camera, about 13 MB in total, and 640×480, progressive scan. Looks very good, and size is not horrible. Tell me what you think, and if it’s to slow to play.

[media id=5 width=480 height=640]

8 thoughts on “Videotest”

  1. Jeg vet ikke noe om kamera, men jeg sikler bare av å se en så fredelig flytur….nå er jeg snart med igjen også!

  2. I used a Canon Ixus 850. It’s a normal compact digital camera, with a wide angle lens. It records video at 640×480, in 30fps progressive scan. On a 8GB memory card I can store close to one hour of video.

    The biggest difference from YouTube style video is that I used a much better and more modern way to compress the video. It comes lightly compressed from the camera, but I use the new H.264 standard to compress it again when it’s ready cut and transitions are added.

  3. Cool!

    I might have to make a fallback video format in the old flash format, as most computers seem to have older flash plugin versions. The 264 support only happened in very recent flash versions.

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