The last day of the competition, and another good flying day. It was a good chance of overdevelopment, and a cu-ni started building over Rondane quite early. We changed the task to keep us local, also to keep pilots so close that everyone have time to get back to the prize giving.
The task became a 75km multiple out&return, race start at 14:00. I took a nice core to cloudbase and was there 15 minutes before the start gate. I then planned badly and lost height while searching around for lift closer to the start circle edge. I did not get up again, and got a piss-poor start when I had to go back and take lift over the takeoff to get back up again. Lost 6-7 minutes there.
On course it was very strong conditions and quite turbulent because of the speed we fly, I did not risk flying with full VG much of the time, gliding at 90-100 km/h between lift. I raced the task, and had big problems getting down around the second last TP, from there I glided through the last TP and passed goal with 500 meters to spare, and got 7. place.
All in all a great competition, with 6 out of 8 days flying. Now I have some hours in the air again, and wish we could start over with a new comp.