Kenneth Karlsen was the most accurate in the pic contest, he had been flying sailplane in the area with a turnpoint just east of where the photo was taken. Here’s another picture that explains the PG view :-)
I took off from the strip at Kongsvinger with the Dragonfly, flew to Kirkenær and back again in beautiful but cold weather. Very nice flight after working many nights with maintenance on the engine.
I put all the pics online in a album. I am testing new album software, and this Ajax based zenphoto album was quite nice, but still have some bugs.
The authors are talking about a WP plugin, and I have seen some nice WP integrated albums already. But the software is very beta, I had many problems making it work at all. I will wait until a better version is available before spending more time on it.
It would be nice to get some update about that album. I looking around for a solution integrated to wp, but what I have found so far doesn’t meet my taste. However, I heard that they were making a wp-plugin for this album.