I spent last weekend in Lausanne, Switzerland, at the CIVL plenary meeting. I attended the HG sub-comitte working group all Friday, and had a short meeting with Scott about the records and badges rules on Friday night, more on that later. Knut Nygard and Stein Tore Erdal traveled with me, and attended the PG working group. Saturday and Sunday was set aside for the plenary meeting. Stein Tore Erdal was there to work on the new web-based scoring and ranking systems, as well as Jan Nielsen that represented the organization for the Acro World Chapionships 2008 bid.
The DHV proposal about measuring sprogs was put on hold until a working group has worked more on the issue, DHV admitted it was too early to implement any rules about it now. The working group want to start trials during the Europeans in Croatia.
Jan came well prepared and made a very professional and good presentation. Norway was awarded the Acro World Championshps for 2008 to be held at Voss! The dates are not set yet, but it will be in June or August 2008.
The European PG XC and Accuracy championships 2008 was awarded to Serbia Montenegro. There were no bids for the European HG championships, but Flip said he had contact with some organizers that might do it. The bureau was given the power to select a organizer.
The CIVL officials were re-elected with no changes.
All in all the meeting was OK, but quite inefficient with very detailed and long discussions. The CIVL bureau recognize this and have made some new guidelines to make the working groups more efficient.
More info on the CIVL web