We woke up to a gray and still morning, it seemed like a no fly day at about 09:00, but it cleared up and became a really good day for competition flying. I was out flying the tug with Bob again in the morning, landings are improving but still need the be smoother.
We got a 97km task, going north and then a broken triangle south back to Quest. About halfway through the launching queue the winds became switchy and tail at times. The guy before me broke a weaklink coming off the dolly and crashed downwind. I wanted to wait until it was launchable again, but the launch marshals did put some pressure on to get me going even if it was tail. Not very good for safety. I eventually launched in a weak tail wind, and ofcourse the weaklink broke as I came off the dolly. I basically spun the glider into the ground trying to get into the wind, but there was no damage to me or glider. After checking over everything I relaunched and got up in time to the first start gate.
To the first TP it was really good going, and I was the first pilot there with Oleg and Johnny Durant right behind. We glided from the TP and stopped under the next cloud at 800 meters, I stayed and spent some time getting back up, and lost the lead gaggle. From there it was OK but I had trouble finding the good cores, and had to spend more time getting up with 0.3-0.5 m/s lift at the last TP. Final glide was OK, and I got a good line having plenty of altitude at goal. I spent 2:33 on course.
Jon was first with 2:16, olav 2 twentysomething. Olav Lien landed 8 miles short of goal.
Weather today looks really good, blue skies and no wind.