I made a hanggliding video in 2000, from the flying that summer. It was filmed with DV and cut down to around 15 minutes. Great fun to make, but it takes a lot of time to cut and edit the film into something that’s short and enjoyable. Recently I dug it out and had a look at it again, I’m happy with it, despite some wobbly camera and way too much zooming. It was the first time I tried a video camera and editing software.
A lot more people have broadband now so it’s possible to download a Divx compressed version. I’ve used the crappy free version of the Divx codec, so the quality it not perfect, but I hope good enough. Let me know if you want a better version.
You need to install the Divx codec first if you don’t have it already. Downoad from http://www.divx.com Take the free version without ads!
The file is 156MB Download of HG2K.avi
I still have a half-finished project from the trip to Australia in february 2000. It was about 25 hours of raw film that I’ve cut down to 4 hours, and from that had a target of 30 minutes finished film. But I never got the motivation or time to finish it off. My computer is about 10 times faster to render and edit than when I started the project so maybe it’s time to dig it out again. There are some really good shots in there, eagles attacking paragliders, trike flying, lots of XC, and more…
Cool cool cool! Thanks for it – well worth the download time. Showed it to a couple of friends and they liked it too.
Ah, right, it’s interlaced. I did not notice until you wrote it. It was made for VHS, so it’s no problem there, but not so good on a computer screen. I’ll see if I can make a new version this weekend.
Good video film, but you need apply deinterlace filter on that video, I think too big resoliution for that bitrate.
Happy that you are on the go with this film!! It was me who shot the eagle attacking my PG from the front. I just cant wait to see it on the video. Hurry up!!!
Nive movie =)
Ever since i Threw out the old VHS I’ve been waiting for a digital version of the HG200video. Looking forward to the Australia2000 video – Great inspiration!