A quick update before we go out flying again. I’ve found a Internet access point and can write a little more than when using my phone.
We arrived in Deni driving directly from Sydney after picking up the gliders. My bag was of course delayed in Hong Kong, and it had to be sendt with the next flight to Wagga Wagga, and then by car to Denni. I had my harness and most of the flight gear so I could fly the first day. But it was too windy and no flying anyway. Good for us with jetlag and all.
Day 2 we got a 187km task north via Hay to Booligal. All on the team except me made goal, I got low and alone in a slow period just east of hay, after drifting in zero lift over the highway for 10 minutes I had to abort and land to avoid powerlines. 100km flight was a good test flight on the glider, it was pulling left making my glides very poor, and thermaling efficiently was hard. Some clouds in the beginning, but only 1700 meters height.
Day 3 was a 138km task around the area and back to Conargo. I had a good start and flew fast and stayed with the gaggle for a long time. I had probably not drunk enough water earlier in the day, because I got sick and extremely tired during the flight. I was in reach of goal, but I was too tired and sick to take the last thermal. I gave up and glided out to land 15 km from goal. Blue day with around 1800 meters height.
Day 4 saw a 133km task to Tocumwal. I got a bad start time, making a detour to a gaggle in the start circle that left when I came. Lost 10 minutes there. The conditions were very good, strong climbs to 2600 meters in the beginning. The cirrus grew and slowed down the conditions more and more. Nils and me flew togehter and got to goal after struggling in some weak lift around the last TP. Jon also made it in, Johnny Robin and Otto landed out.
Nice small New Years party with barbeque at the pool in the Tocumwal airport that was goal.
Today was forecasted strong winds, but it’s no wind outside now. We have a delayed briefing at 11:30 at the Golfclub.
Thanks for the reports and a Happy New Year to you Øyvind!