It was the last day of the comp, with good looking clouds early in the day. The task committee wanted us at takeoff early, to make a short final task with landing at the center. They set a 47km task, in the area in front of Salknappen takeoff, with Vole, Blåhø, Vole, Tordkampen, Vågå bru and to goal at Sørem.
The nice clouds were growing, and the takeoff was in shade for long periods. Some freeflyers did not get very high, and the first pilots taking off had to struggle. I took off in a nice cycle, but had to get out to Gråhø before finding usable lift. I waited in cloudbase for the last start time since I was 5 minutes late on the previous one.
Flying the course was quick and fun, with plenty of pilots in the air to mark the best lift. Conditions were strong at times, and it was some fighting with the cores to get up efficiently. I made the final glide from the last TP with quite good altitude since I was unsure of the wind at the goalfield. It turned out to be almost no wind, I had 100 meters to spare arriving at goal with full speed.
I flew the course in just over 1 hour, Andreas beat me with 3 seconds, and Nils Åge was the fastest and day winner 30 seconds faster than Andreas again. Lots of pilots in goal.
After the bomb out on day 4 I had very little chance of taking a top three place, Jon Gjerde and Olav Opsanger was fighting over it, and I had to catch up more than 300 points today. Winning day 6 only gave 330 points, and Jon was just behind me on that day. I got 5. place in the Nordic Open, and 4. in the Nationals, got to be happy with that.
The comp has been the best I’ve flown ever! We had good organization, pretty good weather with safe conditions, no injuries, lots of people in goal, and 8 out of 8 days flying.
Now it’s the prize giving party, and tomorrow we travel back to Oslo. I’ll upload some pictures and links to the complete results later.