Yesterday we finally got everything in order with driver, car and roofracks. We got a task from the local takeoff to the south, back north past takeoff and a little triangle back to the landing next to our camping. The forecast was good, and no rain. But as we set up it clouded over and got gray. I chose to wait for the clouds to clear a little, as the others were thermalling in very weak conditions. I finally took off, and got slowly up. It started to rain so I ran for the first TP, but rained down there. Just too late taking off, Olav and Arnt got halfway through the task.
Today it was even slower and totally shitty conditions, some pilots got away, I did not even take off. It was 3 hours drive one way to that takeoff. It was 250 meters above a small landingfield that claimed quite a few gliders and at least one pilot hurt in his leg. Olav flew 54km in weak conditons after spending 1,5 hours 100 meters above takeoff.