I’ve been running the same look on this site for quite some years now. The gray/blue theme was something I started with way back in 1998 for the first static pages I made on my old ISP’s homepages, but I lost those pages in a harddisk chrash.
In 1999 I got my own linux server online, and used a cgi script called newspro for updating. This was acually an early weblog (blog) script, looong before the hype about blogging started, and worked well for many years.
Check out the wayback machine’s snapshot from october 1999 It’s funny to see how fast thing change on the web.
Much of the old look stayed when I finally upgraded from newspro to B2, and later WordPress. I’ve now renovated the server with a much needed reinstall and upgrade of Linux, Apache, MySQL, WordPress, etc. Since I’m no web-designer I decided to use a pre-made style by Ian Main of http://www.e-lusion.com/. This is quite similar to the last style I used, but no orange menus anymore. I find it cooler and more readable. (The orange menus seemed to be popular among copycats too)
Please leave a comment and tell me what you think of the new look, or if there’s something not working.
I have plans to expand the content side of this, with more articles and a better album, but I have lots of other projects right now and the flying season is started for full here in Norway. Lots of bad weather might generate some changes though.
The logo, yeah… It has also been the same for a long time. I want the page to load fast, without too much graphics.
I have some ideas for a new logo/header, but I need to spend some hours in photoshop making it look the way I want. And right now I’m quite busy.
The reinstall of the server was done in a hurry as some of the mail stuff was failing and I did not want to spend a lot of time debugging it, so I reinstalled.
Anyway there will be a new logo! But not yet :-)
– Øyvind
The text is all right, try another setting for the monitor Erik!
Stylish new look but something is missing……the eye-catching logo! You probably have one brewing Øyvind, not ready yet?!
I find the text readable, it’s a little smaller than on the last site. But I run a huge resolution, and have no problems reading it.
Anyone else find the text too small, or do Erik need glasses?
– Øyvind
The text on your site has become so small that it is unreadable.
See you soon at Frya.
Jåo! Nice styles man. Need some logo work, but looks good!