The weather deamons scored 3-0 last weekend on Frya. Fredrik and I drove to get some flying under a grey sky. We arrived at takeoff just as Sven took off. The conditions were OK, with some turbulence caused by wind shear. As we started to set up the rain came in. So we took lunch instead. After lunch it cleared, and we started setting up again as the rest of the guys took off and got high. Just as we were getting ready the wave conditions set up and we got gusts at 20 m/s on the ramp. Quite unflyable. The pilots in the air got smooth wave soaring above 1500 meters, below it was turbulent and shitty. Trond “Hangman” made over 3100 meters in the wave. We packed up the gliders again, and went to meet Olav on his way home from Italy. Late at night it seemed calm again, and I really wanted to fly so I started to set up again in very nice conditions. Guess what happened as I put in the last battens… Yep, the wave hit takeoff again and the wind almost broke the trees. We drove home desillusioned and sad, decided it was not going to be flyable on Sunday no matter what. On Sunday lots of pilots got good flights of course…
This weekend we have a National team meeting in Vågå, I will go there tomorrow after work and mabye get a late flight from Vole. The weather forecast is very good for Saturday at least.
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