Short report before we head out to fly again;
2 days ago we got the second task after all the rain had passed the night before. We waited until 12 to make sure the paddoc had dried up, then we got a 3TP 120 km task to the north. Unfortunately it became overcast from the west as we were getting ready to tow up. Gordon was the first to tow and got out under the sun, the rest of us got to fly under a overcast sky, with cloudbase at 1500 meters. What a contrast to the first day. I flew reasonably well, and got within 8 km of the second TP, 80 km out. Around 20. place.
Yesterday I basically bombed out at 60 km, racing myself to the ground. I had jumped a couple of gaggles, and did good, until I became too impatient and glided off on my own. It was blue, inversion at 12-1300 meters, and weak winds from the SW. Olav got close to goal, Otto and Gordon made it.
Today looks similar, blue and almost no wind, getting quite hot.