Hay, NSW, Australia
Late last night we took Andreas and Gordonds gliders out to tow for testflights, I flew Gordons glider because he was still working with the repairs on the carbon backplate. The glider was OK, but a bit scary to fly as the sprogs was a little too low and the bar pressure went negative while flying fast. We had made some modifications to the outer battens on our gliders, and Andreas reported improved handling and glide performance. I made the same changes to mine, and it felt really good today, more stable in thermals, and definitively improved glide performance. We towed up around 20:30, and watching the sun set while thermalling a big smooth thermal is really great. We packed up in the light from the car and full moon.
Todays task was 151 km out and return, directly east, with crosswind from the north. I got off OK, and flew with Andreas for the most of the task, I lost sight of him a while after the TP, and had to work some really weak lift by myself. Some cirrus clouds moved in over us from the west as we started, and it was very weak conditions going back towards goal. Only 4 made it, I landed 20 km short, Andreas 10 km short, and Gordon 7km short in the middle of a 5×5 km paddock. We had to drive offroad with our Ford Falcon to pick up the glider. Gerolf got to goal, and increased the lead over Atilla who landed about 12 km short. Mike Barber got to goal, and is sniffing on third place.
Tomorrow is the last day, it will probably be a out and return or triangle depending on the wind. Saturday we drive to Forbes.