Hay, NSW, Australia
Yesterday seemed pretty good from the morning, we wanted to fly south to Denilinquin and then turn around and fly against the wind back to Hay, a task of just over 210 km. We towed up and got off around 12, it was good flying south, 30 km wind 45 degree cross from behind. I climbed in my biggest smoothest 6 m/s ever, but most thermals were around 2 m/s. We turned around at the border of airspace and tried to fly into the wind again. I got really airsick and had to land 65 km from Hay, around 5:20, it was either land or puke in my helmet in the air. Gordon landed next to me one hour later, and Andreas made it all the way to Hay after almost 8 hours in the air. He’s radio battery went flat when I landed, we did not know where he was and spent 4 hours driving to Hay, Denilinquin and back looking for him. There is no GSM coverage outsde the towns, so it hard to communicate when the radio is dead.
Today was windy in the morning, and it overdeveloped into violent thunderstorms, a lightning strike set fire to a paddock just outside town, but it was put out before it spread. The comp starts tomorrow, and about 85 people had signed up before the briefing tonight. Moyes is here with 3 tugs, but they could not set them up in the bad weather. I hope the weather gets better tomorrow, and we can have a task in good conditions.