Old webserver news

These are the old static pages, from the first webserver I had. I have kept them as history on the old NewsPro cgi script, and here as a whole post. Primitive stuff compared to today’s system.

Unfortunately I have lost the first version of the page that I started writing late ’97

These pages are now on my new server http://www.ellefsen.net Please let me know if you find anything that’s not working, or missing links.

There’s a new and improved guestbook system, I now have some real statistics, and a java counter ;-)

More to come…


I’m back from Greece, it was great. We sailed in the cyclades. Warm
weather and warm water, cold beer and good friends, what more can you ask
for this time of year? 

But still no flying, it’s been raining a lot here lately. Record
rainfall here last weekend, flooding and big news. The forecast for the
weekend is not good, more rain as a big low moves in from the north sea.
Mid nest week might give some westerly winds, so I can fly from Sundvollen

I’m working on setting up a new server for the mailing list, and these
pages. Maybe I’ll have it up next week, until then I’ve added a few more
photos to the gallery.


No flying lately. I’ve been in London for some technical training, and at
work most of my time the last weeks. Now I’m off for a week of sailing in
the Mediterranean, warm water, warm air, and cold beer. Tomorrow at 07:00
we’re off from Gardermoen to Athens, we’ll find a ferry out to the islands
quick, as Athens is a chaotic place right now with the effects of the recent

I’m back on the 25/9. Then I’ll have time to add more to this site, I
have lots of stuff waiting to be uploaded.

Erik now have a website
where you can see what he’s up to on the way to Spain.

I taped the Eurosport feature on the Hanggliding Worlds, it was quite
good. I would have liked a little more action, but it’s a great start!
Good job FAI! (If you’d like a copy send me a mail)


Hanggliding on TV! Eurosport is
showing from the Worlds at Monte Cucco.


Friday, Sept 3rd, 17:30 – 18:00 CET

Sunday, Sept 5th, 09:00 – 09:30 CET

Thursday, Sept 9th, 11:30 – 12:00 CET

Sunday, Oct 24th, 09:00 – 09:30 CET


We flew from Sundvollen on Saturday. It was great conditions, fantastic
weather, and lots of pilots. Werner launched first of the HG’s, and found
lift just as everybody thought he had to land. I started after Finn
Spjeldnæs, and Erik after me. Both Finn and Erik fell through but I
managed to hang on to the ridge lift, and eventually found a thermal to
get up. Lift was broken, and it was hard to get really high on the ridge. I then
flew out toward Vik, and found a good thermal over the lake that took me
up to 1250 meters with 4 m/s. There’s a height limit because of the
Gardermoen TMA, so I had to leave the thermal before I got too high. I
then flew towards Hønefoss and back, to land next to Werner, Paolo and
Tor. 2 hours of pure

Erik and Finn went back up again when they fell through, and soared for
a long time. Erik flew out over Steinsletta, and whacked/landed in a plowed field
when he came to low to make it to the field where I stood. It felt fantastic
to be
back at Sundvollen again.

Erik is moving south with the thermals to Spain, he’ll
stay all winter so he can fly every day. I wish it was me.


Back from London, Erik and I will go flying tomorrow. Forecast says VNV,
weak winds and sun, so it should be perfect for Sundvollen. If the LZ have
been harvested that is…

Report from the summer in Flying stories


No flying today as I had to work. I’m off to London for a few days as


Finally a good flight from Ringerud! I flew XC south, in very gray
conditions, 18.2 km. It’s a short XC flight, but it felt good. Erik busted, but he was happy for me. Knut
Hansen was also there,
but I don’t think he started. It was an eventful flight, as I first heard
shots when flying over a shooting range, then I was attacked by a acid
butterfly caterpillar after landing. 


Erik and I will go flying tomorrow, we’ll check Sundvollen to see if the
LZ is harvested, but most likely we’ll try Ringerud, or maybe it’s good at
Ryggåsen in Drammen

New pictures from the nationals are ready in the gallery


Another day at work, looking out at the great cumulus clouds
forming cloud streets to the horizon… Wish I was out flying instead of
sitting in my office designing networks. Forecast for the weekend is as
usual rain and strong winds.

I’ve started scanning a few pictures from the Norwegian nationals.
Check out the gallery in a few days, along with a report from the comp.


I did not fly all weekend, Saturday I chose not to fly because
of high winds and gray conditions. Later I realized that it was possible
to fly XC, and that a few pilots got quite far. That sucks.

The weather forecast for Sunday was rain, so we arranged a drinking
contest "øl-slukeren" on Saturday night. I’m sure I was among
the top 3, because I cannot remember anything from the last hours…
Sunday morning arrived with sun, cumulus clouds, and a major hangover. I
was not capable of driving a car or flying a hangglider until late

I do not have the results yet, Sunday was not great as lots of pilots
bombed out at start on Frya.


I’m going to Vågå again to fly the last
competition of the season. "Milslukern" is a pure XC comp, the pilot who
the longest distance wins. I’ll post the results here next week. (If there are any results
that is :-))

The conditions here in southern Norway are slowly
deteriorating as
fall is nearing. The weather forecast for the weekend is pretty good for Saturday, not so
good for sunday. There is a high in northern Sweden, it will bring easterly winds, and
probably rain. There’s also a low in the north sea, north of Scotland that might make it
unstable enough to fly, but probably rain as well. We’ll see…


We came, we saw, and we drove home. Erik
and I drove to Solbergåsen outside Drammen, the conditions were not good, 2 pilots flew
in weak ridge lift for a few minutes before they had to land.

Robin best Norwegian in the worlds at #62. Nils-Åge #70,
Tommy #89, Tor Erik #130, and Erik #133.

Christof Kratzner won class II with a Air ATOS.


We drove to Ringerud late after work on
Friday. No wind and no lift, it was a nice quiet flight. I was sick on Saturday, and spent
the day reading "The Naked God" by Peter F Hamilton, recommended!

We will go flying again tomorrow, don’t know where yet.

Manfred Ruhmer won the worlds, the rest of the results
are up on the web.


The Moyes boys are flying a new topless
Moyes at the worlds, It’s called Litespeed. According to rumors it has two divesticks on
each side, new VG system, and new sail. Erik and I will go flying after work today if the conditions stays good. 

I’ve set up my new network at home. These pages will be
updated from my home server now. Please report any dead links or other errors to me! (mailto:oellefsen@c2i.net)


The weather forecast for the weekend
predicts unstable conditions for the weekend, we’ll have to try Ringerud again if it’s
easterly and some sun by

Meanwhile in Italy:

The daily
from the worlds are finally on the web, but our team is way down the list.
Robin and Tommy did fly to goal 2/8 as #9 and #10. Way to go! Davis
also reports every day in the OZ report


Back from Vågå. Flew every day in good conditions,
but the high pressure made it very hard to get high enough to go XC. Got a flight from
Vole to Vinstra on
Wednesday, about 48 km in totally blue conditions. Probably the last XC
flight for me this year in Norway, might get lucky later.

The Norwegian team at the worlds are unlucky with the weather and the flying.


I’m driving to Vågå tonight to go flying the rest
of the week. I’ll go for XC flying, maybe the weather will improve to allow some long
flights. Good luck with the project Erik!


Blown out all weekend, and on Monday it’s fantastic conditions again, it’s so typical…

We drove all the way to Slettfjell, via Dokka, and back to Oslo. 12 hours in a car, and no
flying. Terje Brønstad flew 200 meters, then walked a kilometer with the hangglider to
find a better takeoff, but it was too much crosswind.

This is frustrating, I think I’ll take a few days off to go flying in Vågå if the
weather stays good.


The weather forecast for the weekend looks quite good, so I’ll go flying with Erik.
Maybe Vågå or Tronfjell, the weather will decide.

My old Xtralite is now sold. The new owner now have a sweet glider.


Erik Vermaas and I flew from Ringerud and Brandbu this weekend, but we had no luck.
Ringerud was dead, in spite of great clouds, and we were too late at Brandbu on Sunday. We
did fly both places tough.


I’m back after my 3 weeks of vacation. I’ve been flying all the time, mostly in
Vågå, but we drove to Bodø and the Midnight Sun
for one weekend, I won the HG comp. Great party both nights, the weather was bad

The Norwegian HG Nationals went very well, with 5 tasks flown in good conditions. I placed
#11, and we won the team comp. (Jetta LSK)


The Norwegian HG Nationals
is held 19-25/6 in Vågå, so I’ll be there for the next week. After that I might stay in
Vågå until we travel north to Bodø for the Midnight Sun Cup


I did fly in Tromsø, one flight with PG and one with my old Typhoon. Conditions
were good, but I was to late after work to get any thermals. Wierd to fly that old Typhoon
again, it’s handling sucks compared to my Xtralite.


I’ll be off to Tromsø next week and hope to fly there. Per-Arne promised to loan
me a PG.

Maybe I’ll find my old SolarWings Typhoon S4 hangglider and take it out for a flight from
Fløya. Take a look at the webcam
in Tromsø
, I might be flying there.

  • 2/6 – These pages are finally getting updated. I will add content whenever
    something happens this summer.

  • 24/5 – Got a new hangglider: Moyes CSX 4. Pictures up soon. My Xtralite 137 is now for sale for a
    good price. (23/7 – Sold)

  • 21-24/5 – Norwegian Cup HG/PG in Hjartdal. Two days cancelled due to rain and
    wind. A few HG’s flew a task Sunday but I did not start. Monday was good, with the same
    task for HG and PG. I flew good, but had camera trouble at first turnpoint, and got only
    starting points. Sverre Bjølgerud won.

  • 14-20/5 – went to Vågå for the first time this season, still lots of snow in
    the mountains, bu
    t quite good conditions. Got 2 XC’s of 25 and 50 km, from Vole to Heidal,
    and Frya – Dovreskog. Got drunk as well. Nice to be back in Vågå.

  • Easter – Went to Bassano in Italy – Full story

  • 15-22/2 – Flying vacation to Lanzarote – Full story